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7th March 2023 - The 1953 Coronation

A good attendance gathered on 7th March to hear our own Alan Michie give a most enjoyable and enlightening insight to the soldier’s duties on Coronation Day, June, 1953.

Chosen to be one of those representing his regiment, Alan highlighted the work and training involved pre the big day starting with all the preparation of full  highland dress outfit, gun, marching and standing in position for 2 solid hours as this would be required on the Day.

Travel to London was by train then billeting was at Olympia where up to 5000 military were based.

 Preparations started at 5am when they had to march to Birdcage Walk, just behind Buckingham Palace, a distance of approx. 4 miles. On Coronation Day they were on “lining” duty, i.e. basically security, where they could watch the parade go past.

On completion of their lining duties they had to follow the Horse Guard Regiment to their dispersal points which was unfortunate as while they had started the day with uniforms and guns in pristine condition the constant heavy rain had somewhat ruined the smart look then horses do what horses do and this completed the disastrous look of the uniforms. However all was not lost and the Army being well organised had all the uniforms cleaned and dried to allow the lads to enjoy London where they were welcomed with open arms by the locals.

The audience then had the opportunity to ask questions which Alan took with his usual friendly manner. A good meeting was had by all and Alan was thanked accordingly.

The next meeting is on Tuesday 21st when Liz Allen will give the talk.

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