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1st November 2011 - Making a Will.

Franco Lazzeri

The importance of making a will was brought well and truly home to our members at our regular meeting on 1st November. Our guest speaker, Mr Franco Lazzeri , stressed the importance of having one’s affairs in order while we are all of sound mind and in a position to make decisions that will without doubt have long lasting effects on the future lives of our spouses, partners and offspring once we are gone. Confronting the spectre of one’s demise is not a pleasant prospect at any time but one that must be tackled if peace of mind is to be secured in the sure and certain knowledge that one’s wishes will be carried out.  It became clear from his presentation that there are many pitfalls to be avoided by the unwary when making one’s last will and testament.  His discourse covered most if not all of them and was very much enjoyed and appreciated by the members. They responded with a goodly number of very pertinent questions before according Mr Lazzeri a resounding vote of thanks.

President Jim Watt reminded the members that our next meeting in the Municipal  Hall will be on Tuesday 15th November when Cllr Beith Forest will give a talk on the ‘History of Wine & Winemaking’.  


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