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19th March 2013 - PC Safety and Security

Brian Craigie

At our meeting on 19th March, the President welcomed Brian Craigie, from “Computer Troubleshooters”, who gave a very interesting talk on computer safety and security.    “Computer Troubleshooters” is a global franchise with 500 outlets, but specialise in providing services, support and advice to local computer users.   Brian listed many of the traps and pitfalls that await the unwary.  A major danger is from e-mails  -  the police will not e-mail you,  you don’t win competitions you haven’t entered,  be careful of e-mails offering things for sale.  A “bounced” message for an e-mail you did not send means you should change your e-mail address.   Microsoft won’t phone you about your computer so never give away  information to such a call.  Type in the full web address of a site you want because otherwise Google may send you to a site that looks the same but isn’t. A hard-drive is quite fragile and we should avoid damaging  it by dropping, moving the PC when it’s on or turning the PC off at the wall.  It is vital to have good up to date anti-virus  software.   Finally,  Brian recommended always using a professional engineer to sort your problems rather than the six year old from next door.   Brian answered many penetrating questions from the audience and was warmly thanked for a very interesting and informative talk.      Our next meeting will be the Club AGM on Tuesday 2nd April (start at 09.45) and members are reminded that the outing to the Peoples’ Palace and the Transport Museum is on Tuesday 9th April.        

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