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19th February 2013 - Life in the Oil Industry

David Taylor

On a sunny and fine morning, approximately 30 members of Biggar Probus Club were welcomed by President Robert Kirkhope for the meeting on Tuesday 19th February.   Following the preliminaries, Robert introduced the speaker, David Taylor.   David gave an illustrated talk on a journey which he made some 30 years ago when he drove through Europe to the Middle East to take up a position in the oil industry in Saudi Arabia.   His original, and so he thought, very temporary posting of one month stretched to one year which, for a man who claims not to enjoy extreme heat, proved to be something of a shock since he left the UK covered in snow and arrived in Saudi to be greeted by temperatures of about 130ºF.   Many of his tales served to illustrate the the very different and very male orientated culture of the Middle East and in particular that of Saudi Arabia where they are rightly proud of their religious faith and of the fact that many of the most holy Muslim shrines are to be found within the bounds of that Kingdom.

His tales of a somewhat different oil industry to that, found nearer home in the North Sea were well received by the members who responded enthusiastically to the vote of thanks given by John Pratt.

Before closing the meeting, President Robert reminded members of the next meeting on march 5th when Ian Thomson will be speaking on security matters pertaining to the Royal Family and other VIP's   In adition Robert reminded members of the annual Spring Outing to take place on Tuesday April 9th, when members will visit the Peoples Palace and the Transport Museum in Glasgow.   Those attending are asked to settle their accounts with the treasurer on or before March 19th.

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