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18th December 2012 - Churches of the Upper Ward.

Michael Nisbet

President Robert Kirkhope welcomed a good attendance of members to the 18th December meeting of Biggar Probus Club at the Municpal Hall.  The speaker was Michael Nisbet, Chartered Surveyor, who gave an illustrated talk on the Churches of the Upper Ward.

He took his audience on an extensive tour of Clydesdale visiting some 21 Churches in Biggar and the surrounding villages.  Showing excellent photographs of each, including interiors where access is still possible, and outlined the history and architectural details of each and their current status. 

Sadly only 6 are in current full use for services while a further 6 have been converted into homes. Others have been rescued as Heritage or other public use while the future of the others remains uncertain.

The biggest problem with the buildings is the cost of maintenance, particularly of roofs and stonework.  Several are listed buildings meaning that any alternative use, such as conversion to residential, requires careful planning to gain permission.  The surrounding graveyards are now maintained by South Lanarkshire Council and cannot be disturbed.

Members found the talk fascinating and their appreciation was conveyed by John Lindsay giving the vote of thanks. The President concluded by wishing everyone a Happy Christmas.

The next ordinary meeting, following the New Year lunch on January 3rd, will be on Tuesday 22nd January at 10am for 10.30am  at the Municipal Hall. New members are always welcome.


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